Teaching & Learning



Koonwarra Village School couples the Victorian Curriculum with the Village School Curriculum to provide a unique teaching and learning environment. Our philosophy and guiding principles outline the broader framework in which teaching and learning occur and inform how we go about our day-to-day school life at KVS.


The Victorian Curriculum forms the basis of our academic program, whilst the Village School Curriculum is a series of additional programs and elements integrated across all the features of school life. The school’s approach is also being used at Phillip Island Village School and Village High School, which follow the same Village School philosophy. All three village schools have their own individual ‘flavour’ but are underpinned by the same shared values and principles.


At the heart of our teaching and learning model is a comprehensive (KVS-created) framework that supports the incremental development of the skills and attributes to become an ‘effective learner’. An effective learner understands the skills needed to work independently and collaboratively to achieve learning success. A growth mindset allows students to ‘exercise’ and develop these skills, which include a suite of twelve executive functioning skills.


As the children’s skills develop, they begin to share the decision-making with their mentor about the order and timing of their work tasks. The intention is to support children to become effective learners, with an understanding that these skills continue to develop over a lifetime and there is no ‘fixed’ endpoint.


This progression is also reflected in the weekly Student Planners, which are used in conjunction with a structured daily timetable. A standard day at KVS includes periods of small-group direct instruction, independent learning time and whole-group activities.





KVS has an extensive kitchen garden and students spend time each week working in the Kitchen Garden learning about seasonal food production. Beginning with building healthy soil through to harvesting, preparing and sharing food.

Food produced in our organic garden beds contributes to the snacks and lunch menu which are provided each day. 


Parliament is a regular forum where children and mentors discuss issues that relate to life at KVS including school rules, social issues and ideas for PLPs. The intention of this forum is to encourage children to become active participants in the development of the school program and culture, and to provide opportunities to practice speaking in front of a group, listening to the ideas of others and identifying solutions to group needs.


An annual event that kicks-off each year is the larger community Family Camp (FAMP). All students, their parents and siblings get together over two to three days for a mix of structured activities and informal times of connection and community development. This event is a great opportunity for new families to get to know the community, and to develop stronger ties and relationships.

Sun room programs (Foundation - Level 1)


Nature Journaling is the regular recording of observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world from first-hand experience. We have found that it helps to develop stillness in the children as they tune in to the sounds, sights and smells in their natural environment. The Sun Room students spend time each week nature journaling, and as the students get older Nature Journaling becomes part of the Art program and the Camps program.


Having experiences away from school grounds is a key part of the Village School Curriculum. Our Sun Room students get Out ‘N’ About regularly, visiting local towns and the many beautiful natural spaces in our area. Often these adventures are linked to the themes of the cycle or focus on how to use and access local services, such as the library.

TRISKEL programs (Level 2 - Level 6)


In 2020, we introduced a new program for students in Level 2 to Level 6. The students work on a project or interest that they feel passionate about, and a mentor supports them in finding resources (human or material) for them to develop and explore their curiosities.


PLPs are a series of sign-up classes where students have the opportunity to learn and practise skills beyond those offered through regular curriculum activities. These classes aim to ‘spark’ student interest in unfamiliar activities or deepen mastery in an area of interest.


Throughout the year there are many camps offered: some are linked to PLPs, some are for specific levels of students and some are optional. Each camp will have a different intention, whether it be to: develop skills, to have new experiences or to connect with each other. Our camps have been as diverse as the interests of the students and included: snorkelling, abseiling, snow-based activities, white-water rafting, city-time and caving. We aim for students to feel comfortable and capable in a range of locations and to be able to take care of their basic needs when outdoors in nature.


Foundation students receive a portfolio of their year at school and a personal letter from their mentor, which celebrates their achievements and personal strengths. In Levels 1 – 6, written reports relating to student academic progress are provided to parents in June and December. Students will also receive a personal letter from a mentor, which celebrates their personal achievements and relates to the Capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum. These reports are accompanied by a parent/mentor/student meeting, offered to all families.